Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Creating the Right Atomosphere=$$$

Everyone knows that McDonalds has red and yellow colors to help promote the feeling of hunger and a feeling of urgency. There is alot of psychology in the color of a fast food restaraunt and the design of the establishment. For instance, most McDonalds has a playground for kids in order to attract families to their establishment.

Also, check out some other opinions and articles concerning corporate design.

At the local drinking establishment, Plonk on Main St., they have clusters of seating areas promoting socialization. They have dim lights to promote a sense of closeness with the current company. Also, they have an option to sit out on the patio and enjoy the sun. Instead of the crazy, beer drinking, and energetic feeling of most of the bars on Main St., there is a feeling of sophistication. There are many drinks that I have tried, and yes I am old enough to drink, that I would not have tried in any other establishment besides Plonk. As a suggestion, the chocolate martini is wonderful.


One promotional technique that I never realized before was the technique of introducing certain smells into the building or outside of the building to promote a certain mood. When I was reading chapter 17, it discussed different companies that utilize all different senses in order to create a specific atmosphere, including scent. Unfortunately, when I am walking by the movie theater, all I want to do is grab a bag of popcorn. It is amazing how well your buying habits are attuned to different smells. Popcorn smell=fun movie nights with the girls, the smell of cleaning supplies always makes me think of Saturday mornings cleaning my house. I wonder what type of impression I portray when people walk into my residence? Is it the clean smell of bleach or the calming smell of lavendar that my guests notice?


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