Thursday, May 17, 2012

Sodium Reduction

I am currently taking a nutrition course this summer, which I am very excited about. I think it is really important for everyone to know about nutrition, even if you don't want to follow everything that is recommended. I am, of course, talking about myself...I sure do love a good cheeseburger smothered in grease.

However, my most favorite food that has been on this planet is a chip. I love potato chips of all different varieties and all different flavors.

So you probably cannot see the sodium content on this little picture for a small bag. It says it is 330mg of sodium which is about 14% of your suggested daily intake. What is worse, if you are more likely to have issues with hypertension, you have a significantly lower suggested daily intake than the rest of the population. As is expected, there have been many recent studies on sodium and the harmful qualities it has on the body. Many companies are responding to this increased awareness by making vows or promises to decrease their sodium content. One company in particular is Walmart. Along side Michelle Obama, Walmart made a vow to:
  1. Change the formulas of packaged foods: i.e. change sodium and sugar content
  2. Make prices on healthier foods cheaper
  3. Aid in an easily identifiable seal for health foods
  4. Help cities which do not have easy access to health foods
  5. Give aid to nutrition programs

You make think that Walmart doesn't have to change their products since there are so many different items which they sell. However, when you think about it...they were pretty smart. They responded to the changing market environment for foods. They took a proactive approach to the issue by not letting the negative reputation of sodium get in their way. They are changing the way that people buy food, they are changing the composition of foods, and they are attracking a wider variety of customers. Not only do they attrack their usual customers, but they also attrack the customers who really focus on healthy foods. With the idea that Americans should focus more on eating healthy, the market condition changed to a more wholesome look at nutrition. Many factors, including where they shop for their food, may come into mind and really could have been devastating for Walmart. They, however, seem to be making headways in the natural foods department, they are focusing on the new needs of the customers, and perhaps are going to gain considerable amounts of new customers or increase in the frequency of current customers.


  1. I have noticed in Walmart, like you said, they are making great headways into the natural and organic foods department. The Great Value brand at Walmart is starting to make more and more things organic, following buying trend of their customers. Buying organic is a vote for organic food and Walmart is a company that doesn't take that lightly. The more consumers buy natural and organic foods the more they begin to carry and the more the Great Value brand produces. For example, I eat Adams peanut butter, a natural peanut butter, and until recently I haven't seen it in Walmart. But, as natural and organic foods become more and more popular Walmart begins to carry them. Walmart is making great headways.

    1. I completely agree. They have alot of different options that are becoming popular. I have noticed the Adams peanut butter, I have also noticed that they are starting to carry more glutten free, dairy free, allergen free foods. There is more and more of a demand for "healthier" foods. Believe it or not, they even have organic oreos, according to my nutrition professor!!
